Scope of work

  • Estimation of baseline energy consumption (before insulation) of the selected buildings.
  • Estimation of energy consumption of the building after insulation of the roof and then with roof and walls
  • Assessment of overall energy saving potential of the glass wool insulation, and
  • Identification measures for reducing the lighting energy consumption

Preliminary Finding – Energy Consumption

Area Average kWh consumption without any insulation Average kWh consumption With roof insulation % change compared to base Average kWh consumption with exposed wall and roof insulation % change compared to roof
Mr. Tandon's Room (call this Room A) 1.22 1.009 17 0.949 6
Mr. Rawat's Room(Room B) 1.65 1.07 35 0.77 28
House D Front Room (Room C) 1.76 1.22 31 1.08 11
House D Back Room (Room D) 1.31 1.12 15 0.85 24